First Amendment Rights Officer Certification
CourseIn this leadership course you will learn the formal 1A CAR process which will help with de-escalating civil unrest, protect human rights, and ensure public safety. We will review the U.S. Bill of Rights and go over the CAR checklist together.
FARO Instructor Certification
CourseTake your education one step farther by becoming a Certified FARO Instructor. Build trust by establishing relationships with stakeholders and community activists by delivering pre-designed 1A Community Workshop; a fun and interactive way to connect!
FARO Ambassador Certification
CourseJoin the ranks of those working to leave an impactful legacy behind! By becoming a Certified Ambassador of Peace Officer, you will develop the skills to leave a meaningful human rights legacy in the communities you touch!
Military Sexual Trauma Activist Certification
CourseBecome a Certified MST Activist today! Military Sexual Trauma is one of the most abhorrent experiences of state-sponsored sexual violence that anyone can endure. Learn how to navigate the VA and become civically engaged by advocating for yourself!
Military Sexual Trauma Advocate Certification
CourseBecome a Certified Military Sexual Trauma Advocate. Inspire others to take action by developing the necessary human rights skills that it takes to lead. We'll help you develop the skills and provide the tools you need to advocate for your community.
Pre-order available now!
Military Sexual Trauma Organizer Certification
CourseBe an inspiration and signal of hope to those around you, by becoming a Certified MST Organizer in your community. Lead your community with the necessary human rights skills to be successful! Make a meaningful impact today!